Alaska River Outfitters provides rafting gear, shuttles and food packing for private boaters on the Tatshenshini and Alsek Rivers. With 25 years of outfitting and shuttle experience ARO is a great alternative to hauling your own gear and vehicles all the way to Alaska.
ARO began in 1991 when Mountain Travel Sobek guides Stan and Kate Boor started renting rafts from their home garage in Haines, Alaska. Their extensive experience guiding commercial Tat & Alsek trips helped them develop and streamline a gear and food system that filled the growing demand for quality river gear and trip logistics.
In 2016 Alaska River Outfitters became part of the Haines Rafting Company family and together we provide a full line of rental gear and shuttle services as well as guided river trips in Southeast Alaska. Stan and Kate have retired but their knowledge and systems carry on in every trip we outfit.